Soccer Cards Rock
Soccer Cards Rock
Low Pop Cout Gems, Tickets, USMNT, and Championship Manager 97/98 with Keagan @a_moment_in_tickets

Low Pop Cout Gems, Tickets, USMNT, and Championship Manager 97/98 with Keagan @a_moment_in_tickets

Crazy fun episode today. Keagan from @a_moment_in_tickets and I chat cards, college soccer, Topps Now, print runs, and basically just talk shop.

It’s a lot of fun.

I also discuss a recent Championship Manager 97/98 save I started. You should start one too.

Keagan’s Instagram

Soccer Cards Rock Instagram

How to download Championship Manager 97/98 (sorry in advance for taking all your free time)

Other Handy Resources

Looking For Other Ways to Support the Pod?

I don’t want to charge you for listening to podcasts or reading newsletters (not that I'm against anyone that does - it just isn’t my thing).

However, having said that, there’s a few ways you can help out.

For starters, if you’re looking at eBay to make any purchases, please click here to do so (or copy into your browser). I’ll earn a small percentage of any purchase made at no extra cost to you.

Consigning With Goldin Auctions

Secondly, if you’re looking at consigning high-end cards, click here to fill out a form and I can help you get your cards consigned at Goldin. It’s a great way to help out the pod.

Consign with Goldin

Or, if that link didn’t work, copy and paste this into your browser:

Finally, if you can’t do that - or if it’s not your style, please share this pod with a friend in the hobby or give it a review on iTunes. It makes such a difference.

Soccer Cards Rock
Soccer Cards Rock
Soccer Cards Rock is your guide for Soccer card collecting and investing. If you're a part of the hobby and want to know more about Soccer cards, this is the show for you.
Great for anyone who is into NBA cards, Football cards, or Baseball cards but wants to get started with Soccer.